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Ghonhey Alvieroputra

Ghonhey Alvieroputra
Perkenalkan, saya Ghonhey seorang pendatang baru dunia blogger.. saya masih dalam tahap pembelajaran, jadi mohon maaf jika ada banyak kesalahan di blog ini.. jangan dihina ya bro :D


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Saturday 3 November 2012

Creating your own Fairytale Scene

Creating your own Fairytale Scene


We will be using 3 images here. Lady in white dress, snowy mountains and clouds.
You need to install these brushes: Falln_BrushesFeathersSet1 (download)
FallnBrushesAngelWings (download)

All rights of these resources belong to their respective owners.

Step 1 – Setting Up Environment:
Create a new document of 750×550 pixels.
Open up the snowy mountains and remove the sky along the rocky edges with a Soft Brush tool (size around 20pts).

Step 2 – Adding Clouds:
Insert the image of clouds below the layer of mountains.
Go to Edit > Free Transform and scale the clouds proportionally till it fits the document nicely.

Step 3 – Adjusting Levels:
Create a new Levels Adjustment Layer.
Insert the values: 7,1.38,255. This will brighten the environment and more details are shown.

Step 4 – Placing the Subject:
Crop the lady out using Pen tool. Place her at the position shown in the diagram.
Use the Soft Brush tool with color #000000, paint some shadow around bottom of the dress.
I will provide more methods to extract a subject away from its background in my next post.

Step 5 – Adding the Wings:
Load Brushes > FallnBrushesAngelWings and select FallnBrushesAngelWings12 with 400pts.
Create a new layer and name it as wings. Choose #FFFFFF as your foreground color and paint in the angel wings.
Go to Edit > Free Transform to distort the left side of the wings upwards slightly.

Step 6 – Enhancing the Details:
As the wings seem to be transparent, I duplicated another layer of wings and set its mode to Hard Light.
Use the Soft Brush tool with color #000000 and opacity 50%, paint some shadow around the sides of lady’s arms.

Step 7 – Rays of Light:
Create a new layer and call it as light rays. Select Soft Brush tool with size 100pt and color #FFFFFF. Set its opacity to 40% and start drawing vertical lines across the layer.
Edit > Free Transform to distort the rays in a way that the light source comes from the top-left.

Step 8 – Adding the Feathers:
Load Brushes > Falln_BrushesFeathersSet1 and select Falln-BrushesFeather4.
With several different sizes, paint some feathers around the document. Right-click on the feathers layer and select Blending Options. Check on Outer Glow and set Blend Mode: Linear Dodge (Add), Opacity: 100%, Color: #FFFFFF, Size: 10px.

Step 9 – Magical Dust:
Select the Soft Brush tool with size 3pt and color #FFFFFF. Go to Brush Properties and check on Scattering. Set Scatter to 1000%.
Create a new layer and call it as glowing dust. Start drawing several lines of scattered dots around the lady subject. Right-click the layer and select Blending Options. Check on Outer Glow and set Blend Mode: Linear Dodge (Add), Opacity: 100%, Color: #FFFFFF, Size: 10px.

Step 10 – Adjusting the Colors:
Create a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer at the topmost. Set Hue:-17, Saturation: -38, Lightness: 0.
On top of Hue/Saturation, create another Curves adjustment layer. Select the Blue channel and pull the center of the curve upwards. This is to add a blue tone effect seen in most fantasy scenes.
That’s all! Click here to view the final image.


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